On Friday I bought this cute blouse from a thrift store, and I must say it is my BEST thrift store purchase yet. It was $10 and for the amount of money I had it was a little pricey but that's my fault because I haven't been working much but I'm so excited to wear it lots, I have heaps of ideas of how I could wear it!

Beanie - Glasses
Coat - Glasses
Blouse - Thrifted/Vintage
Skirt - Jay Jays
Tights - Glassons
Shoes - Hush Puppies
This is what I wore yesterday, just because I could really, we went to the mall to look at lego, which we somehow didn't buy, we're getting better at restraining ourselves, and we got milkshakes, yum yum, but my stomach did not agree. I really liked this outfit, I thought it was very chic and cute, but also quite mature at the same time. To be honest, I was sort of inspired by Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Tim and I love that programme!
Like I always say, hopefully I will post more often now, especially since I only have 3 weeks of high school left, EVER! How crazy!
Thanks for reading, au revoir xx